Themen Overview

Our topics at a glance
Here is an overview of all VDMA topics.
Key Topics
Our Topic Areas
Our Topics


Topics in Focus
Our topics slider 1

Competitiveness for Europe and Germany

Our topics slider 3

Shaping the Future

Our topics slider 4


Our topics slider 5

The United States

Our topics slider 6

Circular Economy

Our topics slider 7

Europe and China

Our topics slider 8

Made ING Germany


Our Topic Areas

Our Topics

Our Topics
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Level 0 Vorteilskommunikation

Benefits for you as a member

Largest industry network in Europe

3,600 primarily medium-sized member companies in the capital goods industry make the VDMA the largest industrial association in Europe and the most important network organization in the industry.

Strong representation of interests

The VDMA is the most important voice of the machinery and equipment manufacturing industry. It represents the common economic, technical and scientific interests of the industry in Germany and around the world.

A wide range of services

More than 500 VDMA employees worldwide support you with practical services to make the right decisions in your company - along the entire value chain.