The effort required to submit an application? Doable! Do you have questions? Then take advantage of our monthly online introduction and Q&A session on tax research funding.
Complex topics, well-structured, easy to use: scenario deep dives convey orientation knowledge with bite, key factors and recommendations for action, presented in top-class summits.
Strategic compass for the future: The special edition of the trend radar contains around 40 new topics that will play a decisive role in the future of mechanical and plant engineering.
The IMPULS study "Tokenization in mechanical engineering" published today analyses Web3 technologies that promise the industry efficiency gains, new financing models and innovative monetization opportunities.
Exclusively for members, the specialist department for water and wastewater technology provides a new information service with its publication "Marketplace Water and Wastewater Technology".
Five days, five focus topics - From April 7 to 11, 2025, the bauma Forum will be all about innovative technologies. The startup pitches offer exclusive insights into solutions for a sustainable, efficient and digital construction industry.
The VDMA has addressed extensive demands to politicians. What do the parties think? Our overview shows the extent to which the mechanical and plant engineering industry is taken into account in the programs for the federal election on February 23, 2025.
INNOspace Masters promotes ideas for the transfer of technology and know-how from other industries to the space sector or from the space sector to non-space sectors.
Once again, the Innovation World Cup Series will take place at Hannover Messe 2025 to honor outstanding techpreneurs. Attention VDMA members: Startups, scaleups and innovative SMEs are invited to apply for this award.
The Central Innovation Program for SMEs (ZIM) is a nationwide funding program that is open to all technologies and sectors.
The high pace of innovation in mechanical and plant engineering requires more industry orientation in funding, strengthening of collaborative research, transfer platforms, and the expansion of research funding for future-proof jobs.
The Institute of Machine Tools and Production Engineering (IWF) is jointly headed by Prof. Klaus Dröder and Prof. Christoph Herrmann.
Thermal process technology plays a decisive role in international competition against the backdrop of declining resources and global climate change. Innovations regarding the substitution of fossil sources are moving into focus
Tax incentives for research offer small and medium-sized companies in particular incentives to invest in research and development.
The Leibniz-IPHT is researching biophotonic methods and technologies that are entering new dimensions in terms of resolution, sensitivity, specificity, speed, accuracy and automation.
Heavy seas and no calm in sight: the mechanical engineering industry expects a decline in production and a slight reduction in jobs in 2025. A political turnaround is needed to strengthen the industry.
2025 will be a highlight year for mechanical and plant engineering companies and startups. VDMA Startup-Machine connects young companies with established players in mechanical engineering at the leading industry events.
At bauma 2025, startups will show how pioneering technologies and creative solutions can transform the construction industry. Discover our exhibitors at the Startup Area in the Innovation Hall LAB0.
More efficient project management, autonomous robots and AI-supported innovations for a sustainable construction industry: discover our exhibitors at the bauma Startup Area 2025 in the Innovation Hall LAB0.
Voodin Blades celebrates its premiere at LIGNA.FutureSquare 2025. CEO Tom Siekmann shares his goals and explains why participation is an important step for the Hessian startup.
bauma 2025 highlights startups that are pioneering the transition to zero-emission and sustainable practices in the construction sector. Discover our exhibitors at the Startup Area in the Innovation Hall LAB0.
At bauma 2025, startups will play a key role in the transformation of the mining industry towards greater efficiency, safety and sustainability. Discover our exhibitors in the Startup Area in the Innovation Hall LAB0.
At bauma 2025, startups will present their innovative drive concepts that are tailored to the specific requirements of the construction industry. Discover our exhibitors at the Startup Area in the Innovation Hall LAB0.
The Institute of Materials in Electrical Engineering 1 (IWE 1) researches new technologies in the field of micro- and nanosystems and develops bio- and chemosensors for applications.
We, the Micro Technologies department of VDMA EMINT, would like to create a research guide for our members with relevant research institutes from the world of microtechnology. The aim is to give our members an overview of the research landscape and thus an easy tool for finding potential project partners.
The Ministry of Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Protection and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia is awarding the NRW Innovation Prize for the year 2025.
LIGNA.FutureSquare 2023 offered startups like Strong by Form a stage to present their solutions. VDMA Startup-Machine supports young entrepreneurs who are advancing the industries with fresh ideas and new technologies.
Grants for the further development and scaling of bio-based processes - the new funding guideline for the establishment of an industrial bioeconomy in Germany makes it possible.
In our theme publication you will find facts and figures on research and development, innovations and patents in machinery and equipment manufacturing.
As an exhibiting startup on the LIGNA.FutureSquare, you will benefit exclusively from the LIGNA.Stage forum program as a winner of the Call for Paper. Be quick and apply!
50 years of LIGNA: startups and their new solutions for the wood industry are a must for the golden anniversary of the trade fair! Register now for the LIGNA.FutureSquare from May 26 - 30, 2025!
LIGNA has been the meeting place for the woodworking community for 50 years. Become an exhibitor at the LIGNA.FutureSquare from May 25-30, 2025 and show your products and solutions in the woodworking industry. Register now!
The innovation prize honors practical solutions to problems. This year, it went to a VDMA member for the development of an energy-saving burner, among other things.
Growth and cutting-edge technological solutions characterize the world's leading trade fair for machine vision / Record number of exhibitors and strong increase in visitors in 2024
The state should efficiently strengthen the competitiveness of the economy. The research allowance meets all the criteria for this and also strengthens companies in the face of unfair competition.
The draft for the Tax Reform Act has both light and shade. The fact is: Germany needs relief for the economy. Now.
The conditions for growth and innovation capital in Germany are to be significantly improved - an important step towards promoting start-ups.
Tax money for the scrappage scheme is not being put to good use. It would be better to use it at the beginning of the value chain in production research. This would benefit jobs and technologies.
The Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) published the new funding guideline "Federal Funding for Industry and Climate Protection (BIK)" on August 23.
VDMA HealthTech provides information on research topics in medical technology and the entire industrial healthcare sector, as well as on current guidelines for funding projects and the general framework conditions.
According to the VDMA survey, Germany remains in first place in the ranking of research locations. Companies want to expand their R&D both at home and abroad.
"Textiles of the Future" will be one of nine priorities in the EU Framework Programme for Research & Innovation "Horizon" from 2025 to 2027 - implemented as a "European co-programmed partnership".
Startups from all sectors, gather round: At this year's Start-up Summit, young companies with new ideas once again met potential business partners and investors.
The Forschungskuratorium Maschinenbau e.V. (FKM) bundles and coordinates pre-competitive research for mechanical and plant engineering.
VDMA bundles its activities in the area of "Research and Innovation" and establishes a new joint office. Research and innovation processes can thus be further optimized. Dr. Eric Maiser and Martin Nitsche take over from Dietmar Goericke.
This article lists introductory and overview materials on quantum technologies. It contains introductions to the technologies, information on the market situation in Germany and abroad as well as strategy papers.
New perspectives in the changing startup ecosystem: VDMA Startup-Machine and prototype.club presented their new cooperation on July 4, 2024 to make open innovation accessible to VDMA member companies in a new format.
The DWNRW hubs are five regional centers for the digital economy in North Rhine-Westphalia. They are contact points for start-ups and established companies looking to collaborate with them.
The innvotion2business.nrw project, funded by the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, helps companies to identify suitable technologies and cooperation partners.
Where is the mechanical and plant engineering industry heading and which trends will change existing business models? Answers to these questions and plenty of room for personal exchange were provided at this year's Summer Forum of the VDMA Regional Association East.
Important questions on this topic
What are the latest facts and figures on research and innovation?
How can I explore trends online for my business?
How can I get an overview of the start-up scene and find suitable partners?
How can your mechanical engineering company use carbon management to achieve climate targets by 2035 and exploit new business opportunities?
Tax incentives for research: What do you need to know?
VDMA partners
