The VDMA's regional associations have a long tradition of organizing tax events. We will be offering these events again in the first half of 2024. We give you a small preview of when and where!
The VDMA calls for lower tax burdens, including the abolition of the solidarity surcharge and a corporate tax rate of a maximum of 25 percent.
The implementation of reporting obligations for work assignments in Europe is a major challenge for many VDMA member companies.
2025 is the year in which Germany must set the course for growth and competitiveness. It needs more courage to ensure freedom and rapid political reforms.
The Federal Ministry of Finance is adjusting the per diems and overnight allowances abroad in accordance with the Federal Travel Expenses Act as of January 1, 2025.
The Annual Tax Act 2024 is a constructive compromise. Now measures for industry must follow, such as improved declining balance depreciation.
On the occasion of the adopted regulations on digital tax assessments, Dr. Johannes Gernandt, Head of the VDMA's Tax Department, explains:
The draft for the Tax Reform Act has both light and shade. The fact is: Germany needs relief for the economy. Now.
The new research allowance is becoming increasingly popular in the mechanical engineering sector. The Federal Ministry of Finance has now issued an important statement regarding the application deadlines for previous years.
The Federal Ministry of Finance has published a discussion draft for a Minimum Tax Adjustment Act (MinStGAnpG). The main aim of the law is to make the application of the CbCR safe harbour more specific.
The submission deadlines in Italy for tax returns for the 2023 assessment period have changed several times this year, currently to October 31, 2024.
With the DAC7 Implementation Act, shortened deadlines for the submission of records in accordance with Section 90 (3) AO (transfer pricing documentation) were already introduced at the end of December 2022 by means of a new Section 90 (4) AO.
After a year of work, the commission of experts appointed by the Federal Ministry of Finance has presented its report on possible reform approaches in the area of income tax.
After a year of work, the commission of experts appointed by the Federal Ministry of Finance has presented its report on possible reform approaches in the area of corporate taxes.
The federal government has passed the first tax measures announced in the growth initiative (we reported: https://www.vdma.org/viewer/-/v2article/render/108247752 ). At the same time, the measures of the
On July 5, 2024, the coalition leaders agreed on key points for the 2025 budget and a growth initiative.
On June 12, 2024, the traditional VDMA Austria VAT experience exchange took place again at the Hotel Kremstalerhof in Leonding.
Basics, design and documentation: With the "Transfer Pricing" seminar series, the Maschinenbau-Institut offers you practical tools to successfully complete your transfer pricing project.
For almost a year now, taxpayers in Germany have been able to apply for a digital trade tax assessment directly via the ELSTER portal when submitting their trade tax return. A project that is constantly evolving.
The joys of the European Championships are not only shared with family and friends, but also often with employees and business associates. This brings with it a number of tax issues.
"The Federal Fiscal Court (BFH) and the Federal Social Court (BSG) have once again dealt with aspects of the flat-rate taxation of company events. We would like to present two key rulings here."
Market-oriented industrial research strengthens the innovation and competitiveness of our industry.
German legislator increases the requirements for cross-border intra-group financing transactions in the Foreign Tax Act - A contribution by Carsten Schmid (Transfer Pricing & Friends GmbH)
In the BMF circular dated 12.12.2023 on the tax treatment of wages under double taxation agreements, the explanations/examples for determining residency have been expanded.
We are pleased to introduce our new event series "Automation in the Tax Department".
The BMF updated the GoBD in its letter dated 11.03.2024. The changes are to be applied from April 1, 2024
On March 22, the Federal Council approved the Growth Opportunities Act. This also includes a regulation on the use of electronic invoices. What does this mean for companies?
On March 22, 2024, the Federal Council finally approved the Growth Opportunities Act. The significantly improved regulations for the research allowance in particular are an important first step towards a growth-friendly corporate tax law.
The Budget Financing Act 2024 (Federal Law Gazette 2023 I No. 412 of 29.12.2023) extended the application-based electricity tax relief for companies in the manufacturing sector with effect from 1.1.2024.
A complete success: The mechanical engineering sector is the frontrunner in the use of the state research allowance. The funding instrument strengthens Germany's competitiveness as a business location.
Overview of double taxation treaties and income tax exemption for stays abroad (only in German).
The Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF) has updated and clarified the application decree on the German Fiscal Code: Working from home does not generally constitute a permanent establishment of the employer.
In its ruling of 23.11.2023 (case reference: VI R 15/21), the Federal Fiscal Court (BFH) provided important information on lump-sum taxation in accordance with Section 37b EStG in connection with VIP boxes and the scope of their benefits.
On February 13, 2023, new reporting obligations were introduced under the new Excise Duty System Directive for excise goods in free circulation that are delivered or received across EU borders.
Although the federal states reached an agreement on the Growth Opportunities Act at the meeting of the Mediation Committee on February 21, 24, this agreement was not supported by the CDU/CSU.
Germany cannot afford a prolonged period of weak investment and growth. It now needs a major economic policy overhaul that will generate long-term confidence and thus new investment across the board.
The Growth Opportunities Act would benefit the entire economy and quickly have an innovative effect. It must therefore not be held hostage for party tactical and irrelevant reasons.
At the end of January, the Research Allowance Certification Office updated the form for applying for the research allowance.
In the discussion about the corona crisis, the question of how to deal with tax losses has become very important. We would like to outline the most important provisions of the current legal situation.
Attention all those interested in Europe! With our new web seminar series "EU Bubble talks - 30 minutes insights from Brussels", we take a look behind the scenes of European politics and take you with us.
The effort required to submit an application? Doable! Do you have questions? Then take advantage of our monthly online introduction and Q&A session on tax research funding.
The mediation committee called by the Bundesrat will not meet again this year. Negotiations between the federal and state governments had previously failed in informal working groups
The BMF has published the new non-cash benefit values for meals in a BMF letter.
The event provided information on current tax issues and provided valuable information on key corporate tax topics as well as current tax projects of the German government.
On the occasion of today's postponement of the cabinet decision on the Growth Opportunities Act, Dr. Ralph Wiechers, Member of the Executive Board and Head of the VDMA's Tax Department, explains:
The Federal Central Tax Office (BZSt) is currently informing the associations about upcoming changes in the tax withholding procedure according to § 50a EStG.
On July 17, 2023, the German Federal Ministry of Finance presented a draft bill of the so-called Growth Opportunities Act, which, among other things, provides for a new regulation of the deductibility of interest (as of January 1, 2024).
In order to cope with the new world of work, a multilateral framework agreement will allow more flexible -deviating from the conflict of laws- regulations for teleworkers from July 01, 2023.
The BMF published its revised Administrative Principles Transfer Pricing 2023 (VG VP 2023) on June 6, 2023.
In fiscal year 2023/2024 (01/04/2023 - 31/03/2024), India will increase the domestic withholding tax rate on remuneration for technical services and royalties from 10% to 20% plus Surcharge and Health Education Cess.
Take advantage of our online introduction and Q&A session.
closed circle.
In our second online round, our tax experts present important innovations in a clear and practical way.
Take advantage of our online introduction and Q&A session.
Take advantage of our online introduction and Q&A session.