Our learning offers promote the individual technical professionalization as well as the development of new competences - with a view to the current and future requirements in the companies.
Change is needed in various areas of education and working life to attract more women to technical professions. The latest study by the VDMA's Impuls Foundation investigates exactly what is needed. For the first time, the study focuses on the link between studies, career entry and the first years of employment for female engineers.
The shortage of young talent in technical professions is one of the top challenges facing our industry. This is why the VDMA is launching a new campaign for more young technical talent.
The VDMA Salary Study is ready! As planned, the printed results report will be available at the end of March, so we will be sending it out to study participants in the first week of April. Non-participants can order from the store from the beginning of April.
Transformation will only succeed if the framework conditions for Germany as an industrial location are improved. Reforms must not be put on the back burner any longer.
How we can get more young people interested in technical professions together.
Employment subject to social insurance contributions in industry is falling significantly. All the more reason why political reforms are now needed to kick-start the growth initiative.
A well-retained, motivated and productive workforce also strengthens the company's image. It helps to avoid high fluctuation costs and secures expertise.
Are you interested in ships, shipping and maritime technologies? Are you currently looking for a training or study place? Would you like to combine innovation, project work and a wide range of career opportunities?
Become a sought-after data analyst or data scientist and make large amounts of data usable, analyzable and visualizable for your company. Start your next career step together with the Mechanical Engineering Institute and StackFuel.
5,200 jobs have been lost in mechanical and plant engineering since the beginning of the year. Nevertheless, the shortage of skilled workers remains high due to the demographic challenge. What is needed now are structural reforms to secure skilled workers.
The start of the new apprenticeship year has been bumpy for many East German mechanical engineering companies. Half of the companies offering training have not yet been able to fill all commercial or technical apprenticeships.
Find out on November 19, 2024 in Frankfurt am Main how you can succeed in agile working in the area of conflict between established corporate structures, given framework conditions and new technical possibilities through AI.
Startups from all sectors, gather round: At this year's Start-up Summit, young companies with new ideas once again met potential business partners and investors.
In a public position paper, the German Trade Union Confederation (DGB) calls for an increase in collective bargaining coverage through legal measures.
The labor market figures are bad. The federal government must finally move from debate to action. Implementing the growth initiative has top priority.
How do companies succeed in retaining qualified specialists? With the electronics machine manufacturer Kurtz Ersa
"Googling" as part of a recruitment process triggers information obligations towards the applicant and can lead to a claim for compensation.
With regard to the principle of equal pay, the employer must provide verifiable evidence of the criteria for unequal pay.
This year, the Mechanical Engineering Institute is once again hosting the VDMA Quality Management Conference. On September 24, 2024, you will learn how you can use artificial intelligence practically and efficiently in your quality management.
Mechanical engineering offers young professionals many attractive jobs and career development opportunities. The VDMA has launched a video series with member companies - Part 6: Nico Lienhard, viastore Software GmbH.
Free entry to glasstec 2024
VDMA University Day on 25 October at glasstec 2024
Charging a hybrid vehicle without permission can have consequences under employment law.
Job adverts are the first point of contact with potential applicants. What you should pay particular attention to with service technicians.
From product and project management to construction site and service management to contract and purchasing management: the certificate courses offered by the Mechanical Engineering Institute will help you advance your career as a specialist and manager!
What solutions do SMEs find to deal with the high salary expectations of young professionals? Practical report from a VDMA Erfa.
Take advantage of our seminar series "Cybersecurity according to IEC 62443", developed in cooperation with ISA Europe and Fraunhofer IOSB, to acquire your personal ISA certificate as an ISA/IEC 62443 Cybersecurity Expert.
How many apprenticeship positions are available in machinery and equipment manufacturing this year? How many applicants are there? How have supply and demand for the most important professions developed in recent years? Get all the information at a glance here.
In our theme publications, you will find facts, figures and data related to vocational training, engineering courses, skilled workers, mechanical engineers and women in machinery and equipment manufacturing.
Ensure the success of your construction site projects with clear service descriptions. In this executive workshop, our Certified International Senior Project Manager Ralf von Breitenbach will show you how to do this.
Pricing, marketing, high need for explanation: Learn how to successfully implement digital services in your company and market them profitably from our team of experts on October 22, 2024 in Bad Soden am Taunus.
How do employers become successful brands? Why is a strong employer brand important for attracting - and retaining - skilled workers?
On July 5, 2024, the Federal Council approved the Second Act Amending the Works Constitution Act. This means that the more specific regulations on the remuneration of works council members can come into force.
The VDMA provides a wide range of services and advice for member companies, but also for universities and media agencies in the field of science policy and engineering studies. An overview.
German law on the control of general terms and conditions is one of the regulations that also apply if the parties to the employment contract have made a choice of law in favor of a foreign legal system.
At the board meeting of the VDMA LV BaWü, the board members were given an insight into the state-of-the-art production processes at TRUMPF and dealt intensively with forward-looking topics
Come to Mainz on November 5, 2024 and find out how you can reach your target groups even better and increase your sales success through innovative sales platforms and the integration of analog and digital sales.
The shortage of skilled workers is becoming increasingly urgent. In-company further training and qualification of the company's own workforce can be decisive building blocks in keeping a company competitive.
Visit us on September 25 at the conference in Oberursel near Frankfurt and exchange ideas on the topics of e-invoicing, internal audit in subsidiaries, sustainability reporting and artificial intelligence.
Basics, design and documentation: With the "Transfer Pricing" seminar series, the Maschinenbau-Institut offers you practical tools to successfully complete your transfer pricing project.
Companies must ensure that they complete orders on time. At the same time, employees want variable and sometimes shorter working hours. With flexible workforce scheduling, you can meet both requirements!
CSRD, Supply Chain Sustainability Obligations Act & Co.: The seminars of the Mechanical Engineering Institute provide you with practical knowledge and solutions to the current requirements for more sustainability and climate protection in mechanical and plant engineering.
Demographic change, a shortage of skilled workers, unfilled training positions - these are often prevalent issues in Germany when it comes to recruiting employees. But what is it like in other countries? We asked around locally.
BAVC and IGBCE have agreed on a two-stage wage package that guarantees companies planning security until the first quarter of 2026.
A Forsa survey provides surprising insights into the priorities of German employees. The 4-day week is far behind in terms of importance.
The BMBF-funded research project digiMINT is calling for participation in a nationwide online survey of young female employees in mechanical and plant engineering.
How important are electronic support and intelligent tools in day-to-day business today? We asked General Manager Global Audit Carsten Friedemann from Sumitomo SHI Demag Plastics Machinery GmbH.
At its meeting on 19.06.2024, the Federal Cabinet adopted a formulation aid for the Fourth Bureaucracy Relief Act (BEG IV).
Digitalization and the increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) do not stop at application processes.
Important questions on this topic
Working time recording: Which regulations should apply?
Female engineers in mechanical engineering: How can companies attract and retain more women in technical professions?
Education and the labour force: what do the current figures tell us?
Future skills: What competences will be needed in mechanical and plant engineering in the future?