
You are well advised to keep an eye on the legal decision-making parameters in every business transaction. The prerequisites for this are economic know-how and in-depth industry experience. Our member companies receive the necessary legal input - individually and tailored for mechanical engineering.

Themenfeldgrafik Recht

From our content

From our content
"Artificial intelligence in the world of work" - VDMA BarCamp

On November 14, 2024, the VDMA and the Corporate Learning Community are organizing a BarCamp on the topic of "Artificial Intelligence in the World of Work" in Frankfurt am Main.

Federal Court of Justice provides guidance on notifying defects

In a decision, the Federal Court of Justice provides more detailed information on commercial notification of defects in accordance with Section 377 of the German Commercial Code (HGB).

The BPatG on the grant of patents after expiry of the patent term

According to the Federal Patent Court (BPatG), the interest in legal protection for a subsequent grant of a patent is based on the inventor's personality right.

Become active!

The new European Parliament is in place. This is a good opportunity to actively draw the attention of the new Members of the European Parliament to the bureaucracy surrounding the posting of workers.

EU Data Act – Where does our industry stand?

The VDMA is conducting a survey among its member companies on the state of implementation of the EU Data Act.

Whistleblower Directive implemented in all EU member states

Poland is the last EU member state to transpose Directive EU 2019/1937 (Whistleblower Directive) into national law.

Collective bargaining coverage by law?

In a public position paper, the German Trade Union Confederation (DGB) calls for an increase in collective bargaining coverage through legal measures.

Lawyer does not have to provide blanket information about insolvency risk

If instructed lawyers have no knowledge of the imminent insolvency of the defendant, they do not have to warn their client about it. The OLG Düsseldorf rejects a general obligation to investigate.

Survey on the transparency register

Until August 16, 2024, you can take part in a survey by the Federal Statistical Office to determine the compliance costs of the Transparency Register and Financial Information Act (TraFinG).

Facilitated enforcement of foreign court judgments in the UK

United Kingdom ratifies the 2019 Hague Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters (Hague Convention)

"Googling" triggers information obligations

"Googling" as part of a recruitment process triggers information obligations towards the applicant and can lead to a claim for compensation.

Unequal pay must be presented in a verifiable manner

With regard to the principle of equal pay, the employer must provide verifiable evidence of the criteria for unequal pay.

Unauthorized charging of a hybrid vehicle

Charging a hybrid vehicle without permission can have consequences under employment law.

Can an AI be considered an inventor under patent law?

The question of the patentability of a machine-generated invention has repeatedly arisen in the past. This question has now been answered by the Federal Court of Justice in a recent decision (BGH, decision of 11.06.2024, ref. X ZB 5/22).

Requirements for joint responsibility within the Group

No fine against the parent company: Joint responsibility does not already exist in the case of a fundamental strategic decision and the establishment of a subsidiary.

AI Act published in the official EU Official Journal

The European Artificial Intelligence Act was published in the Official Journal on July 12, 2024.

"Joint Purchasing Agreement“ for Licenses

For the first time, the German Federal Cartel Office has reviewed plans for the joint negotiation of patent licenses and considers this to be permissible.

Works council remuneration: New requirements adopted

On July 5, 2024, the Federal Council approved the Second Act Amending the Works Constitution Act. This means that the more specific regulations on the remuneration of works council members can come into force.

TDDDG & DDG instead of TTDSG & TMG

As part of the implementation of the Digital Services Act at national level, among other things, certain digital laws have been renamed. This may lead to necessary changes for companies.

AGB law as international mandatory law

German law on the control of general terms and conditions is one of the regulations that also apply if the parties to the employment contract have made a choice of law in favor of a foreign legal system.

Requirements for advertising with "climate neutrality reference"

The marketing of products with environmental characteristics such as "climate neutrality" is in vogue. The Federal Court of Justice has now issued a ruling on this (BGH, judgment of 27.06.2024 - I ZR 98/23), which is also likely to have an impact on the B2B sector.

Chemicals: Collective wage agreement reached

BAVC and IGBCE have agreed on a two-stage wage package that guarantees companies planning security until the first quarter of 2026.

Fine of € 16 Million for Deleted WhatsApp Messages

Companies must cooperate with antitrust authorities during dawn raids. Even supposedly small mistakes can have expensive consequences.

Verification Act: Cabinet clears the way for text form!

At its meeting on 19.06.2024, the Federal Cabinet adopted a formulation aid for the Fourth Bureaucracy Relief Act (BEG IV).

Focus on applicant data and recruiting

Digitalization and the increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) do not stop at application processes.

IG Metall: 7 percent for 12 months as a recommendation

The Executive Board of IG Metall published its recommended demands on 17.06.2024.

High Fine for Export Restrictions on Distributors

The European Commission has imposed € 337.5 million fine on Mondelez due to sales restrictions imposed by Mondelez on its distributors.

Submission of a recall notice

Commission publishes model for recall notices under the General Product Safety Regulation

Federal Cartel Office fines vertical price fixing

After the ECJ’s decision in the Super Bock case, the German Federal Cartel Office still imposes a fine for vertical price fixing.

More ratifications by Member States are needed

More than 27.000 patents have been registered in a total of 17 Member States after one year. The VDMA is calling on the other EU Member States to also join the unitary patent system.

Improper certificates of incapacity for work in circulation

Recently, an increasing number of incorrect certificates of incapacity for work have been appearing. The Confederation of German Employers' Associations (BDA) has sent out a circular on this subject.

Strike statistics: Significant increase in conflict intensity

The Federal Employment Agency (BA) has published its strike statistics for 2023. Compared to the previous year, the number of working days lost has more than doubled. The number of affected companies more than tripled.

Flood events: Receipt of short-time allowance

The floods in Germany have already caused considerable damage in some federal states - particularly in Saarland and Rhineland-Palatinate - and many companies have experienced restrictions.

BGH: GDPR right to information can include all correspondence from a person

The BGH clarifies that copies of documents of the data subject may also be covered by a request for information. In addition, it must be examined whether complete documents are required to contextualize the processed data.

Newsletter Law

The monthly legal update for the mechanical engineering industry - exclusively for member companies

Illegal advertising with TÜV seal

There is no unrestricted freedom of advertising in this area. A recent decision by Hamburg Regional Court makes this clear in relation to advertising with a TÜV seal.

New garnishment exemption limits from July 01, 2024

On May 16, 2024, the 2024 garnishment exemption limits pursuant to Section 850c ZPO were published in the Federal Law Gazette.

ECJ ruling deals with GDPR damages, among other things

The ECJ ruling of April 11, 2024 defines the framework for claims for damages in the event of GDPR violations and non-material damage.

Data protection in the commercial register: No right to data erasure

Munich Higher Regional Court confirms: No right to erasure of data in shareholder lists. General Data Protection Regulation provides no basis.

Development of working hours in 2023 - forecasts for 2024

In its summary report (06/2024), the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) has published updated figures on the development of working hours in 2023 as well as forecasts for 2024.

Web-Event: Litigation or Arbitration in the USA

On Tuesday, June 4th, 2024, 2:30-4:00 pm (CET), VDMA offers an exclusive Web-Event on Litigation or Arbitration in the USA – How to protect you company in advance.

LkSG reporting obligation suspended until January 1, 2025

In view of the implementation of the CSRD Directive, BAFA is once again suspending the reporting obligation under the LkSG and will only check the existence of a report from January 1, 2025.

The EU-Parliament agrees on its position

The plenary of the European Parliament has adopted its report on late payments. What are the most important elements in relation to payment terms? And what are the next steps?

VDMA FAQ on the AI Regulation available

The European Parliament gave the green light for the so-called AI Regulation on March 13, 2024. A VDMA FAQ document was prepared together with the law firm FPS to provide non-binding guidance.

Overview of publications

Guides, fact sheets and more for our members: The "focus Recht" series and other publications from the legal department address legal issues for members in a clear and comprehensible manner.

Joint declaration of the "Alliance for Public Procurement Law"

The "Alliance FOR Public Procurement Law" is committed to simplified public procurement law, uniform nationwide procurement regulations and to preventing more and more public contracts from being removed from public procurement law.

Application of German copyright law to a foreign website

A foreign-language website of a foreign company can also be subject to German copyright law.

Introductory volume on the new EU Product Liability Directive

The new Product Liability Directive introduces new and stricter EU product liability law for the digital era.

5% limit for contractual penalties in unit price contracts ineffective

BGH declares contractual penalty with 5% upper limit in relation to the order amount in unit price contracts invalid

Free access to technical standards

What does the ruling of the EU Court of Justice of 5 March 2024 mean for standardization practice?

Our expert and focus topics

Our expert and focus topics
GTC reform
Companies depend on legally secure contractual regulations. The restrictive application of German law on general terms and conditions (GTC) prevents this - resulting in great legal uncertainty and liability risks.
Labor Market
Competitiveness, growth and job security require adaptability, value creation based on the division of labour and a flexible labour market. Digitalisation requires modern framework conditions for Work 4.0.
Labor law
Whether it be short-time work, service contracts, working shifts or home office, the parameters for modern work and flexible crisis measures are changing continuously.
EU Data Act
The EU Data Act reorganises data traffic between companies. The aim of the European Commission is to promote the creation of data spaces in Europe and enable new digital business models. The consequences are far-reaching and represent both an opportunity and a risk.
Home Office
For many employees, working in a home office is a completely new situation that has caught them very unprepared due to the pandemic. This raises a host of practical and legal issues.
Technological Sovereignty
Technological sovereignty as a goal is gaining importance regarding the changed geopolitical situation. International division of labor and global trade are our drivers of prosperity and are existential, especially for the mechanical engineering sector.
Standort Deutschland
Many medium-sized mechanical engineering companies have regional roots and are highly competitive internationally from their home region. To ensure that this remains the case, excellent site conditions and a good industrial policy are absolutely essential.
European Policy
Europe is the home market for the machinery and equipment manufacturing industry, one of the largest industrial sectors in the EU economy. VDMA therefore stands for a competitive EU.
Europe and China
The perception of China in Germany and Europe has changed in recent years. Firstly, China is an important economic partner and also of significant importance for the German mechanical engineering sector. On the other hand, there is growing recognition at economic and political level in Germany and the European Union (EU) that the existing imbalance with China, for example in market access, is no longer acceptable.
Plant Engineering
Mechanical and plant engineering companies from all over Europe are involved in the VDMA. Mechanical engineering is a familiar term to many, but what characterizes plant engineering?

Level 1 Themenwolke


To the point

To the point

Auf den Punkt Zitat Legal

"Germany as a business and industry location needs fresh input"

Karl Haeusgen, VDMA President

Auf den Punkt Zahl Legal



of the total worldwide annual turnover of the previous financial year or up to EUR 35,000,000, whichever is higher, is the maximum fine for non-compliance with the prohibition of AI practices referred to in Article 5 of the EU AI Regulation.

Source: European Parliament

Auf den Punkt Zusammenfassung Recht

EU Late Payment Regulation: Council position expected on 28/29/11/2024
  • In September 2023, the EU Commission presented a draft for a new EU Late Payment Regulation (as part of the “SME Relief Package”). The key point of the draft regulation was a binding payment deadline of a maximum of 30 days, which is intended to prevent late payments. Member states were also to set up so-called “enforcement authorities”, placing payment transactions under “administrative supervision”, so to speak. The original draft regulation was subject to massive and widespread criticism from associations, economic players, chambers of commerce, etc. The VDMA was also critical of the project as presented.
  • On March 20, 2024, the responsible Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) of the European Parliament adopted the draft report, followed by the plenary of the European Parliament on April 23, 2024. The EU Parliament has thus defined its position: In principle, a 30-day payment period is still envisaged at the core, although the period can be extended to up to 60 days in commercial transactions or even up to 120 days for certain product categories if expressly agreed. The European Parliament has therefore deviated from the original Commission proposal and the massive criticism of the original draft has therefore been partially taken into account. However, doubts remain as to whether the changes are far-reaching enough, especially as the creation of “enforcement authorities” is to be retained.
  • The Competitiveness Council, the body of the Council of the European Union responsible for the Late Payment Directive, has not yet adopted a negotiating position. It is expected to draw up a compromise text at its meetings on November 28 and 29, 2024. The negotiating position of the European Parliament from the past legislative period would also have to be confirmed by the newly elected Parliament before “trilogue negotiations” can take place between the Commission, Parliament and Council with the respective negotiating positions reached.
  • Whether and when these trilogue negotiations will take place is currently unclear. The VDMA will continue to monitor the process.



Thu. 14.11.24 Thu. 14.11.24

  • Labour Law
  • Work 4.0
  • Bildung
  • Competence Center Labour Market

Artificial intelligence in the world of work

Places available

Fri. 29.11.24 Fri. 29.11.24

  • Patent Law
  • Industrial Communication
  • Electrical Automation

Standard essential patents (SEPs) in the field of wireless communications make a significant contribution to innovation. To this end, it is beneficial for mechanical engineering to learn about the functioning of the innovation and standardization ecosystem as well as the SEP licensing models of the telecommunications industry.

Places available

Our services

Our services
Your contact persons in the Legal Department
for legal issues in mechanical engineering - exclusively for our member companies


Our publications
Guides, leaflets, and more for our members: The "focus Recht" series and other publications from the Legal department address members' legal queries clearly and comprehensibly.
Newsletter Legal Department
The monthly legal update for the mechanical engineering industry - exclusively for member companies
In co-operation with the German Mechanical Engineering Institute (MBI), the legal department offers member companies seminars and events on current topics and legal issues.
VDMA Compliance Program
The VDMA promotes free and fair competition. In order to guarantee genuine and undistorted competition and legal security for members in their day-to-day association work, the VDMA is committed to a comprehensive compliance program.
Sample Contract/General Terms and Conditions
We provide sample contracts specific to the mechanical engineering sector as well as general terms and conditions for Germany and abroad - to ensure the legal protection of your business transactions.
Consulting, Information, Lectures
The legal department at the VDMA consists of a team of lawyers specializing in the capital goods industry. Here you will receive individualized legal input - competently, quickly and at no additional cost, tailor-made for the mechanical engineering sector.
Working Groups of the Legal Department
In our working groups, we share current information and enable specialist discussions. Topics covered by the working groups include plant construction law, labor law, compliance management and industrial property protection.


Annual Report of the Legal Department
The current annual report of the Legal Department has been published. Member companies can download it here.

Working groups/Committees

Working groups/Committees

Ihr Kontakt

Level 0 Vorteilskommunikation

Benefits for you as a member

Largest industry network in Europe

3,600 primarily medium-sized member companies in the capital goods industry make the VDMA the largest industrial association in Europe and the most important network organization in the industry.

Strong representation of interests

The VDMA is the most important voice of the machinery and equipment manufacturing industry. It represents the common economic, technical and scientific interests of the industry in Germany and around the world.

A wide range of services

More than 500 VDMA employees worldwide support you with practical services to make the right decisions in your company - along the entire value chain.