

The VDMA is an important voice for the machinery and equipment manufacturing industry, it is a pioneer for its members and the largest networking platform for the industry in Europe. In order to successfully fulfill all these tasks and offer its members real added value, the association is divided into a wide variety of organizational units.


Executive Committee
Every four years, the VDMA General Assembly elects a new Executive Committee and thus legitimizes three personalities from member companies to represent them.
Restricted Board
The Restricted Board currently consists of 24 members. It is elected by the Main Board. The members of the Restricted Board work in close cooperation with the Executive Committee and advise the association on fundamental decisions.
Main Board
Around 120 high-ranking personalities from VDMA member companies constitute the main board. The board is elected by the general assembly.
Executive Board
The Executive Board is responsible for the day-to-day business and translates the VDMA's positions into practical work. The Executive Director, his deputy and the other members of the Executive Board are responsible for the work of the association and report to the Executive Committee and the honorary executive committees .


Trade Associations
As a networking platform for the companies in your industry, the VDMA Trade Associations support you with specialist information and represent your technical and economic interests worldwide.
show Trade Associations
  • Additive Manufacturing

    We offer international experts an efficient network for the industrial development and use of layer construction methods. Automation, standards and know-how transfer are our main areas of expertise.

  • Agricultural Machinery

    We are the industry network of 180 leading companies in the European agricultural machinery industry. Whether economic news, standards, technical laws or political positions - we are there for you!

  • Air Handling Technology

    We are the competence network for products and processes whose core is the guiding and treatment of air. Our more than 300 members provide indispensable equipment for a technologically advanced world.

  • Building Automation and Controls

    We represent the interests of 70 manufacturers of measurement and control equipment for building automation systems and heating, ventilation, air conditioning and building management services.

  • Cleaning Systems

    We are the platform for more than 40 manufacturers of floor cleaning and high pressure cleaning machines for commercial cleaning technology and their representatives in economic and technical questions.

  • Compressors, Compressed Air and Vacuum Technology

    We are the information and networking platform for the compressor, compressed air and vacuum technology industry and represent the global technical and economic interests of around 90 members.

  • Construction - Equipment and Plant Engineering

    We are the network of European construction, building material, glass and ceramic machinery manufacturers. For more than 370 members we channel interests, transfer knowledge and spread news to the whole world.

  • Electrical Automation

    We form the link between manufacturers of automation technology and machinery and equipment manufacturing. The exchange of experience, current industry information and the networking of our more than 300 members are our main areas of focus.

  • Electronics, Micro and New Energy Production Technologies

    We are the innovation and networking platform for electronics, photovoltaic and battery production and microtechnology and represent the interests of over 200 companies in the industry.

  • Engines and Systems

    We represent nationally and internationally the interests of over 70 manufacturers of combustion engines for industrial applications as well as the interests of the respective suppliers.

  • Fire Fighting Equipment

    We are the industry network of almost 30 leading companies in the European fire fighting technology industry. Whether economic news, standards, technical laws or political positions - we are there for you.

  • Fluid Power

    We are an industry-related service provider for manufacturers of hydraulics, pneumatics and sealing technology. With nearly 220 member companies, we represent approximately 90 percent of the German market.

  • Food Processing and Packaging Machinery

    We represent the interests of over 320 manufacturers of food processing and packaging machines as well as machines and plants for the production of pharmaceutical and cosmetic products.

  • Lifts and Escalators

    We stand for almost 90 companies in the German lift industry. Political representation of interests and support in the fields of technical regulations, economic situation and training are our main areas of focus.

  • Machine Tools and Manufacturing Systems

    We support about 300 manufacturers of machine tools and manufacturing systems in all relevant fields of action of their daily business and represent their interests towards politics and the public.

  • Materials Handling and Intralogistics

    We stand for 290 member companies in the intralogistics industry. We support them in all matters so they can provide material flow, warehousing and production supply to their customers worldwide.

  • Measuring and Testing Technology

    We are a service provider for around 200 member companies and represent the interests of the measuring and testing technology industry towards national and international authorities as well as in other business circles.

  • Metallurgy

    We are the information and service platform for metallurgical plant engineering. As such, we provide services for around 180 suppliers of technologies for metal production and processing.

  • Mining & Minerals

    We represent around 150 manufacturers of surface and underground mining technology, processing technology as well as consulting, research and development, which together represent over 90 percent of the total sales volume.

  • Plastics and Rubber Machinery

    We are the community of interests of more than 200 European manufacturers of plastics and rubber machinery and represent over 90 percent of the companies in the industry in Germany.

  • Power Systems

    We represent around 90 manufacturers and suppliers of energy plant construction - including engine plants, thermal power plants, hydropower and wind energy plants as well as storage and sector coupling technologies.

  • Power Transmission Engineering

    We are the network for around 200 manufacturers of drive elements, gears, electrical power transmission engineering and linear technology, who generate over 80 percent of the estimated production in Germany.

  • Precision Tools

    We are the information and network platform of the manufacturers of cutting tools and clamping technology as well as of tool making. We represent the technical and economic interests of our approximately 170 members.

  • Printing and Paper Technology

    We are the voice of about 170 manufacturers of machinery and systems for prepress, printing and post-print processes, paper production and paper converting as well as components and devices.

  • Process Plant and Equipment

    The representation of economic and technical interests of about 390 members as well as the market and industry-specific information of this network are the center of our activities.

  • Pumps + Systems

    We are the information and networking platform of the pump industry and represent the global technical and economic interests of more than 110 member companies of the industry.

  • Robotics + Automation

    We represent over 390 manufacturers of robotics, industrial image processing and integrated assembly solutions. With studies of the future, trade show design and activities such as OPC UA, we have our eyes on the future.

  • Security Systems

    We represent almost 40 members from the fields of Building Security and Physical Value Protection towards authorities, in standardization and in other technical and economic issues.

  • Software and Digitalization

    We represent more than 500 software manufacturers and development departments of well-known machine manufacturers. Our declared goal is to bring machinery and equipment manufacturing together with software and digitalization.

  • Textile Care, Fabric and Leather Technologies

    We are the platform for over 50 manufacturers of textile care technologies, sewing and garment technologies, shoe and leather technologies as well as processing technologies for technical textiles.

  • Textile Machinery

    We take care of the textile machinery industry - from networks and image building to the interests of our around 150 members: leading trade fair ITMA, market access conditions, young talent and much more.

  • Valves

    We are the network of manufacturers of building and industrial valves and represent their interests. We also inform and advise the companies on all product-specific matters.

  • Waste Treatment and Recycling Technology

    We are the information and networking platform for waste treatment and recycling technology and represent the technical and economic interests of more than 100 member companies in the industry.

  • Welding and Pressure Gas Equipment

    We are the platform for around 25 manufacturers of oxyfuel technology, gas supply systems and safety technology. Exchange of experience, representation of interests and consulting are our main areas of focus.

  • Woodworking Machinery

    We support around 100 manufacturers of machines, plants and tools for woodworking and wood processing in their core disciplines of business management, marketing, sales and technology.

Regional Subsidiaries
The VDMA Regional Subsidiaries are your local partners in Germany and Europe, supporting you in all matters relating to your region and acting as your link to the services and expertise of the VDMA.
show Regional Subsidiaries
  • Austria

    We are the link for the Austrian machinery and equipment manufacturing industry to the services and expertise of the VDMA. We also offer a strong network and regional events.

  • Baden Wurttemberg

    We are the network for 870 VDMA members in Baden Wurttemberg. Practical exchange of experience, up-to-date industry information, consulting and local representation of interests are the focus of our work.

  • Bavaria

    We are the network for 500 VDMA members in Bavaria. Practical exchange of experience, up-to-date industry information and local representation of interests are the focus of our work.

  • Benelux Office

    We are the network for over 50 VDMA members from the Benelux countries. Among other things, we offer practical exchange of experience and are the link to the high-quality service portfolio of the VDMA.

  • Center

    We are the contact for our nearly 400 VDMA member companies in Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland and the short line to the technical experts of the VDMA and its network.

  • East

    We are the industry network for 350 VDMA members in eastern Germany and provide support with individual consulting, practical exchange of experience and targeted representation of interests at federal state level.

  • Italy Office

    We are the first point of contact for Italian companies interested in VDMA services. In addition to organizing events and networking, we offer technical expertise for machinery and equipment manufacturing.

  • North

    We are the information platform for about 300 VDMA members in the north (Lower Saxony, Hamburg, Bremen, Schleswig-Holstein). Exchange of experience, industry information and representation of interests are the essential aspects of our work.

  • North Rhine Westphalia

    We are the network for more than 800 VDMA members in North Rhine Westphalia. Practical exchange of experience, up-to-date industry information and local representation of interests are the focus of our work.

From export topics to VDMA standard sheets, circular economy, legal and tax issues, and all statistics related to mechanical and plant engineering - our experts provide orientation and advise you individually.
show Departments
  • Business Advisory

    We are experienced experts in organization, processes and benchmarking for the operational value chain. We advise VDMA members individually and provide orientation - digitally or on site.

  • Communications

    We serve as the voice and contact for the mechanical and plant engineering industry. We manage media inquiries and find contact partners - both in direct contact and via social media.

  • Economics and Statistics

    We are the experts for all facts and figures relating to mechanical and plant engineering. Our statistics form the basis for wise business decisions.

  • Education Policy

    We support VDMA members in all issues concerning the recruitment of young people, schools, training, studies and further education and serve as a bridge to educational policy.

  • Environment and Sustainability

    We help VDMA members navigate through the jungle of regulations in the fields of environmental affairs and sustainability. We stand up for your interests at national, European and international level.

  • Foreign Trade

    China, customs, export control, travel security - we advise VDMA members on international markets and export issues and support them in accessing markets worldwide.

  • Human Resources

    We are the in-house contact for the VDMA and its divisions regarding all questions of human resource management and the first point of contact for all those interested in a career in the VDMA.

  • Informatics

    We support the VDMA members in their expertise for application software. We cover commercial and technical business software as well as solutions for data and information security.

  • Insurance

    The VDMA insurance department has a high level of expertise in industrial insurance. It answers questions on national and international topics as well as on insurance claims.

  • Legal

    We advise VDMA members in legal matters competently, quickly and without additional costs, tailor-made for machinery and equipment manufacturing.

  • Machine Information Interoperability

    We are the central point of contact for the interoperable exchange of information between components, machines and systems of intelligent networked production and act as a connection between mechanical and plant engineering and the IOT world.

  • Membership Management

    We provide answers to your questions about membership. We manage the services offered by the VDMA for member communication and are the people to talk to for the exclusive section of our website.

  • Tax

    We are your contact for all tax issues. Our regular communication with the financial and tax authorities, experts and users ensures that you receive the most up-to-date advice.

  • Technical Affairs and Standardization

    We are the central point of contact for all matters relating to technical regulations (EU/NON-EU) and standardization. The focus is on representation of interests, information and consulting.

  • Traffic

    We represent the interests of VDMA members working in the field of mobile machinery with regard to all vehicle technology and traffic law issues.

The VDMA forums bundle the diverse competencies within the VDMA and offer you platforms for cross-industry exchange on the focus topics of our time.
show Forums
  • Forum #XMOTIVE

    Our motto is "Produce Future Mobility", and we are bundling the VDMA's diverse competences to prepare member companies for the future of mobility and to support them in their efforts to change.

  • Forum Building Technology

    The Forum Building Technology brings together industry expertise to highlight the political relevance and benefits of the efficient use of technologies for energy, water, heating and cooling.

  • Forum Glass Technology

    We are a network of machine and plant manufacturers along the technical process chain in glass machinery manufacturing and take care of the topics standardisation and international markets. We also represent the interests of our industry externally.

  • Forum Manufacturing-X

    The Manufacturing-X Forum bundles and coordinates all activities on this topic, thus taking into account the increasing importance of data rooms as an important basis for new business models.

  • Forum Mobile machines

    We are a cross-sector network for manufacturers and suppliers of mobile machines. Our topics are technical legislation, market and production development and joint research.

  • Forum Packaging

    With the Packaging Forum, we create a platform for members that are active in the packaging market or seek access to it. Exchange of experience and the analysis of trends constitute a central focus.

  • Forum Process Measurement

    With the Forum process measurement technology we offer members and the industry a platform for focused exchange. Industry-specific services, events and representation of interests are the center of our work.

  • Forum Process Technology

    VDMA members can obtain market and user-related services from the target sectors of the chemical, pharmaceutical, food, oil and gas, and energy industries at the Forum Process Technology.

  • Quantum Technologies and Photonics Forum

    In the Quantum Technologies and Photonics Forum we pool the know-how on the topic of light within the VDMA. A total of six VDMA departments are involved, covering a wide range of areas and applications.

Working Groups
The VDMA Working Groups pool the competencies available in machinery and equipment manufacturing on a wide range of topics and create platforms for all companies involved in the added value chain.
show Working Groups
  • AM Additive Manufacturing

    We offer international experts an efficient network for the industrial development and use of layer construction methods. Automation, standards and know-how transfer are our main areas of expertise.

  • Advanced Maritime Technology

    We are the international network for automation and digitalisation in ocean shipping, combining existing expertise and bringing together companies along the value chain.

  • Building Information Modelling - BIM Building Automation and Electrotechnology

    BIM refers to the digital transformation in construction. Our goal is to support the entire building technology - including electrotechnology and building automation - in the BIM process and to consolidate the knowledge on BIM in the industry.

  • ETCT European Textile Care Technology

    We represent the interests of European manufacturers of industrial textile care technology at European level. Circular economy and its strategic fields are the focus of our work.

  • European Ceramic Technology Suppliers

    We are a working group of European suppliers of machinery, materials and engineering services for the production of ceramics, powder metallurgy and related technologies.

  • Fuel Cells

    Our goal is to establish fuel cell technologies in Germany and to position them on markets worldwide. We represent the interests of the industry and offer a platform along the value chain.

  • HealthTech

    We are the platform within the VDMA for all topics related to the industrial healthcare sector and we see ourselves as a network for the entire supplier industry.

  • Hybrid Lightweight Technologies

    We pool the expertise available in machinery and equipment manufacturing in hybrid lightweight construction technologies and offer a Europe-wide platform for all companies involved in the value chain.

  • Intralogistics-2X

    We offer manufacturers and users a platform to jointly develop new solutions for the interoperability of automated guided vehicles, mobile robots and other intralogistics systems.

  • Large-scale Plant Engineering

    We are the network of the large industrial plant manufacturing industry in Europe. Practical exchange of experience, transfer of knowledge as well as representation in foreign trade and tax policy are our main areas of expertise.

  • Laser and Laser Systems for Material Processing

    We represent the leading manufacturers of laser beam sources, laser systems and suppliers of other optical components. The focus is on laser material processing.

  • Machines in Construction - MiC 4.0

    We offer a platform for all companies interested in digitalization. Our goal is a manufacturer-independent and machine-independent digital communication around the construction process.

  • Marine Equipment and Systems

    We are the cross-sector platform for the marine equipment and systems industry. Market information, export support and exchange of experience are the key elements of our work.

  • Organic and Printed Electronics Association OE-A

    We offer manufacturers of organic and printed electronics a unique platform for local and international cooperation between companies and research institutes.

  • Sanitary Technology and Design

    As the voice of sanitary and installation technology brand manufacturers, we provide a network committed to a strong and sustainable industry and care about services and representation of interests.

  • VDMA Power-to-X for Applications

    We are the cross-industry information, communication and cooperation platform for the P2X community and involve stakeholders from development and production to the end user.

  • Wind Industry

    We are an information hub and network for the wind industry in machinery and equipment manufacturing. Markets and politics, technology and research, fairs and public relations are our main areas of focus.

  • Wireless Communications for Machines

    We offer an application-oriented platform for the integration of wireless solutions in machines, plants and production systems. We focus on practical exchange, cooperation and knowledge transfer along the value chain.

Service Companies
Whether for trade fairs, the professional development of your specialists and managers, as an insurance broker, as a media service provider or as a coordinator of standardization work - the VDMA Services Companies are at your side as competent partners.
show Service Companies
  • DIN Standards Committee Machine Tools

    We coordinate the national, European and international work on the standardization of machine tools for metalworking and for the machining of other technical materials.

  • DIN Standards Committee Mechanical Engineering

    We coordinate the national, European and international work on standards for almost all fields of machinery and equipment manufacturing. We are supported by more than 2000 volunteer experts.

  • Maschinenbau-Institut GmbH

    We are the partner for the professional development of specialists and managers in the mechanical and plant engineering industry. With our events we cover a wide range of industry-relevant topics.

  • Printpromotion GmbH

    We organize events for the printing industry worldwide. One focus is the training and further education of teachers and specialists. We work closely with the leading industry trade show drupa.

  • VDMA Services GmbH

    We are partners at more than 60 trade fairs worldwide, work as a full-service provider at trade fairs and events, and also look after the VDMA's publishing business.

  • VSMA GmbH

    As the insurance broker for mechanical and plant engineering, we have been advising and supporting companies in the industry in all insurance matters since 1926.

Representative offices
Through our representative offices in Berlin and Brussels, we keep you informed about all industry-relevant political developments and represent your interests. With our offices abroad we accompany you successfully in international markets.
show Representative offices
  • Capital Office Berlin

    We connect the VDMA with federal politics. Government, parliament and the capital city press are our contacts. We make the interests of VDMA members heard in political Berlin.

  • European Office Brussels

    We mediate between industry and politics: We inform our member companies about political developments at an early stage and we are a competent partner for decision makers.

  • VDMA Brazil

    We inform 320 subsidiaries of VDMA members in Brazil about the local market, advocate their interests and arrange contacts locally and within our South American network.

  • VDMA China

    With our offices in Beijing and Shanghai, we are the contact point for VDMA members with questions about the Chinese market, the local network and local technical requirements.

  • VDMA India

    Our offices in India connect the Indian and German industry and support 600 subsidiaries of VDMA members with up-to-date market information, network building and local representation of interests.

  • VDMA Japan

    We are the local contact for VDMA members and their subsidiaries, represent the interests of the industry to the Japanese administration and promote contact with Japanese customer industries.

  • VDMA Poland

    Our office in Warsaw is responsible for presenting VDMA membership opportunities to Polish companies and acting as the first point of contact for local companies interested in the VDMA.

  • VDMA Singapore

    With our office in Singapore, we are the point of contact for VDMA members in Southeast Asia, offering country-specific research and support in establishing local networks in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam and Indonesia.


    Our office in Washington is the voice for the VDMA and has a political network to decision makers in government and partner organizations. The Chicago office provides local support to our members and their subsidiaries.

Competence Center
The VDMA Competence Centers represent the political interests of the industry, identify trends relevant to mechanical engineering at an early stage and create networks for new and known partners.
show Competence Center
  • Competence Center Climate & Energy

    The Competence Center Climate & Energy brings together the activities of the VDMA on climate and energy policy and pools the industry's know-how on climate and energy.

  • Competence Center Economic Principles

    We represent the economic and political interests of the mechanical and plant engineering industry to help our members successfully continue to be entrepreneurs in Germany.

  • Competence Center Future Business

    Trend scouting - strategic early information - start-ups: We recognize trends relevant to mechanical engineering at an early stage, make them usable for our members and create networks for new and known partners.

  • Competence Center Industrial Security

    We establish the sustainable transfer of topics related to Industry 4.0 and standardization. We provide a network of VDMA experts and are the first point of contact for members, authorities and politics.

  • Competence Center Labour Market

    We are committed to a modern labor market policy in the age of digitalization and support our members in shaping the working environment of tomorrow today.

The VDMA's foundations are the "think tank" for mechanical and plant engineering. They take up topics at an early stage and develop exemplary solutions for the future.
show Foundations
  • Impulse Foundation

    We are the "think tank" for the VDMA and mechanical and plant engineering. We pay particular attention to two issues that shape entrepreneurial action: Regulatory policy and innovation policy.

  • ProWood

    We take up topics from woodworking and processing at an early stage and develop exemplary solutions for the future in projects. We pay special attention to the promotion of young talents.

Research Associations
Within the VDMA, the Forschungskuratorium Maschinenbau coordinates pre-competitive research for the industry. Legally independent research associations, research associations and funds, and VDMA trade associations are organized under its umbrella.
show Research Associations


International network of the VDMA
Source: VDMA

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