Expertenthemenbeschreibung AI

Artificial Intelligence

A key technology for competitive ability


Everyone is talking about artificial intelligence and machine learning. At VDMA, there are already many organizational units that are examining the topic more closely. Here, you can gain some insight into all the activities that the VDMA is conducting on the topic of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.

In addition, you will find information on new publications and guidelines, events and working groups, as well as other useful tips for your company.




Titel der Empfehlung: Künstliche Intelligenz



  • Generative AI checklist
The VDMA expert group "Machine Learning / AI" has drawn up a checklist for the use of generative AI, which is intended to provide initial assistance for the application in the company.

From our content

From our content
Research on Industry 4.0 and Artificial Intelligence

The working group "Research I40 and AI" aims to initiate cross-industry research projects on Industry 4.0 and AI. Interested member companies can participate in the topics.

Generative AI also in focus in industry

As part of the online event "Generative AI - exploiting opportunities, minimizing risks", a survey was conducted among the participants on 6 February 24 to obtain a current picture of the mood.

Artificial intelligence - Current activities

AI is playing an increasingly important role for companies in the mechanical and plant engineering sector. VDMA Software and Digitalization is therefore once again offering an interesting range of formats on the topic for all VDMA members.

IFFA TOP Topic: Creating value from data

Digitalization and AI are revolutionizing production processes. Real-time data analysis, condition monitoring and predictive maintenance ensure greater efficiency and customer benefits. Discover the future of meat and protein processing!

Software development in the industry - status quo and outlook

Advancing digitalization has led to software no longer being seen as just a "tool", but as a decisive competitive advantage.

AI can optimize the spare parts business

Anyone who needs a spare part is in a hurry. The part number is not always immediately to hand, especially when installed or under operating conditions.

Risk of knowledge loss: Mechanical engineering in the fight against oblivion

What are the challenges for mechanical engineering due to generational change? What concrete methods and techniques are available for companies to combat the loss of knowledge? What does AI do for us?

Future makers: VDMA honors talents for digitalization in machinery

Digitalization is driving the mechanical and plant engineering industry forward. This innovative strength is also reflected in the theses submitted by graduates from Germany and Austria.

Mechanical engineering in Baden-Württemberg: Resilient through crises

After the very weak economy in 2024, hopes are pinned on markets picking up in 2025 / Politicians must set business-friendly framework conditions

Employer-relevant regulations of the EU AI Act

The Confederation of German Employers' Associations (BDA) has prepared an application paper on the provisions of the Artificial Intelligence Regulation (AI Regulation) that are relevant for employers.

Use of GenAI in mechanical engineering - we need your input

In cooperation with PwC Strategy& (Germany) GmbH, VDMA Software and Digitalization is conducting an online survey among its member companies on the use of GenAI in mechanical engineering.

Hannover Messe - Joint stand software and digitalization

From March 31 to April 4, 2025, the world's leading trade fair for industry will take place under the motto "Shaping the Future with Technology". VDMA Software and Digitalization members will have the opportunity to present themselves there.

Generative AI - identifying potential, seizing opportunities

The VDMA spoke to two member companies about this topic and found out why the “human factor” will continue to play an irreplaceable role.

VISION sets an example: Growth despite negative market situation

Growth and cutting-edge technological solutions characterize the world's leading trade fair for machine vision / Record number of exhibitors and strong increase in visitors in 2024

Ruling on training AI with copyrighted works

The question of whether copyright-protected works may be used for AI training purposes is becoming increasingly important. The Hamburg Regional Court has now issued its first ruling on the use of images by an AI provider.

AI in marketing does not work without real intelligence

Hardly any innovation topic is currently being discussed more intensively than AI - especially in the context of marketing.

Happy Birthday: 25 years of VDMA Software and Digitalization!

Together with members and partners, the trade association celebrated its 25th anniversary in Würzburg. One thing became particularly clear: the trade association and its topics are playing an increasingly important role in the industry.

Focus on applicant data and recruiting

Digitalization and the increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) do not stop at application processes.

Current challenges in sales in 2024

Promoting and challenging players in sales, new AI tools, resource efficiency in volatile markets, online marketing, etc. - many aspects currently need to be considered in sales strategy and organization.

Digital employer branding

Together with Christian Seifert from avenit, 26 experts discussed trends in digital employer branding on April 12, 2024. A workshop on "Employer Branding with Artificial Intelligence" gave the participants new impetus.

Artificial intelligence for machine production

Artificial intelligence (AI) is currently the dominant topic in the digital world. Thanks to the rapid development of large language models, the productive use of AI in companies has recently received a strong boost.

Low-code - opportunities, challenges and application examples

The new white paper from VDMA Software and Digitalization is intended to provide member companies with guidance on how to become more familiar with the topic.

Meet the Expert - Focus on digitalization

Meet the digitization experts at the VDMA Software and Digitization stand to exchange experiences.

VDMA Magazin Teaser Künstliche Intelligenz

AI plows along
Two things make the agricultural machinery manufacturer Amazone more successful than some of its larger competitors: The Hasbergen-based company thinks in terms of overall agronomic processes and still leaves some fields to others.

To the point

To the point

Auf den Punkt Zitat KI


„AI is a crucial future technology in global competition and offers numerous opportunities for more sustainability and prosperity. In mechanical engineering, too, AI ensures the global competitiveness of our products“

Prof Claus Oetter, Managing Director VDMA Software and Digitalisation

Auf den Punkt Zahl Artificial Intelligence


percent of mechanical engineers

expect AI-based products or services to have a medium to very strong impact on their current business model.

Source: Maschinenbau in Zahl und Bild, 2020

Auf den Punkt Zusammenfassung Künstliche Intelligenz

Machine Learning 2030 Scenario Study
  • Possible uses of machine learning extend across all corporate sectors
  • Clear guidelines regarding the use of data and additional sensors in machines and systems are necessary for success
  • Pushing for cooperation between German research institutes and the mechanical engineering industry



Groups & working groups

Groups & working groups

Asset Publisher

Documents & Downloads

More VDMA services

More VDMA services
Conveying knowledge about artificial intelligence
This summarized overview of relevant online courses and helpful sources of information on the topic of AI makes it easy to start building knowledge.


Searching for an AI startup
The VDMA's Startup Radar helps navigate the global startup scene - it lists more than 3,000 young companies that are of relevance to the mechanical engineering industry. This also includes many AI startups.


Expert Group Machine Learning
The aim of the expert group is to develop aids and guidelines for the mechanical engineering industry, to promote the exchanging of experience and to draft political statements.
Overview of consulting services on digitalization and Industry 4.0
The digital competence overview for the mechanical and plant engineering industry on the consulting services offered by software manufacturers. This enables companies to find the right entry point to address their particular questions.
Software Sector Guide
The service overview for the mechanical and plant engineering industry covering the products and services offered by industry-oriented software companies, including those related to AI/Machine Learning.

Asset Publisher

VDMA partners

Allianz Industrie 4.0
Plattform Lernende Systeme

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