association_appearance: Additive Manufacturing

Working group
Additive Manufacturing
Additive manufacturing (AM) is a key horizontal technology for mechanical engineering and numerous other industries. The technology and the know-how for its application offer great potential for the industry.
Within the VDMA, the Additive Manufacturing Working Group (AG AM) deals with industrial 3D printing. About 200 participating companies represent the entire process chain of additive manufacturing: Technology and material suppliers, users of new production processes, research and consulting.

Nested Applications

Empfehlung Bundestagswahl 25

Federal Election 2025TIPP
At a time of profound global changes and challenges, it is our goal to shape the framework conditions for mechanical and plant engineering in such a way that our companies remain successful and competitive in the future. The upcoming federal election offers a decisive opportunity to set the course for a future-oriented industrial policy. We need a #StandortUpgrade!


Groups & Working Groups

conditionally open group

Education & Modern Working Working Group

Working group education and training in the field of AM

The current position paper of the VDMA Additive Manufactur

closed group

Research, Innovation & Technology Working Group

Pressure Equipment Directive

AM offers many advantages for mechanical engineering: design precision, function integration, lightweight construction, material savings, and much more.

Nested Applications

LV/FV Ansprechpartner

Your contact


Level 0 Vorteilskommunikation

Benefits for you as a member

Largest industry network in Europe

3,600 primarily medium-sized member companies in the capital goods industry make the VDMA the largest industrial association in Europe and the most important network organization in the industry.

Strong representation of interests

The VDMA is the most important voice of the machinery and equipment manufacturing industry. It represents the common economic, technical and scientific interests of the industry in Germany and around the world.

A wide range of services

More than 500 VDMA employees worldwide support you with practical services to make the right decisions in your company - along the entire value chain.